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Hi Dragontalen do you have a walkthrough for your game,  I am stuck figuring out how to get out of the abbey grounds.

Hi! Unfortunately I haven't gotten that far in the demo, but I'm glad to see it piqued your interest! One day I'll hopefully progress this demo further - I have plenty of ideas!

Thank you for your response, good luck with your progress

I tried this out last night and wow! As a childhood fan of the series, you seriously nailed the vibes I always imagined would come from a Redwall game. Including assets from the animated show helped to build the mood and everything definitely worked well together despite the different mediums. I look forward to seeing how and if you end up continuing this! Granted this is a far off idea, but this type of game would be the best style to be applied to all of the books I think. Seeing Mossflower or Salamandastron portrayed in this style would be epic!

Thank you so much for the feedback! I wanted to use more custom assets but the time constraints led me to just working mostly with the default stuff, plus I lack the money to buy or pay for custom resources atm. I could've spent at least a day just searching for tilesets if I let myself! I also want to get my copies of the books from my hometown and use the book lore for the game. Without those, I just had the animated series and the Wiki for sources! 

I'd love to tell some of the other stories too! I was watching the Redwall, Mattimeo and Martin series while developing and I'd love to explore those worlds too.